Customer Testimonials

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We worked with Angel and his team. They were professional, respectful, communicative, and did a great job packing and moving our belongings to storage very carefully. I would highly recommend them!
Emily K.
Atlantic Coast Moving & Storage did a great job helping me plan and complete my mom's move. The office staff, especially Chelsea, were fantastic to work with. The moving team was excellent. They were reliable, efficient, and nice to be around. I would definitely use them again.
Curt N.
Fantastic service, excellent personnel, five+ stars! Brian was fantastic as a coordinator and Osman and his crew were the absolute best give them all a raise! Sincerely, Patrick S.
Fantastic service, excellent personnel, five+ stars! Brian was fantastic as a coordinator and Osman and his crew were the absolute best give them all a raise! Sincerely, Patrick S.
Everyone was great to deal with from Caitlin to the movers in NJ who picked up our items to the movers in MS who delivered our items. Very pleased with the entire process. Great company!